We Learned By Heart

State Capitals and Years of Statehood

Honolulu, Hawaii (1959), Juneau, Alaska (1959)

Olympia, Washington (1889), Salem, Oregon (1859)

Sacramento, California (1850), Phoenix, Arizona (1912)

Carson City, Nevada (1864), Boise, Idaho (1890)

Helena, Montana (1889), Cheyenne, Wyoming (1890)

Salt Lake City, Utah (1896), Santa Fe, New Mexico (1912)

Denver, Colorado (1876), Austin, Texas (1845) 

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (1907), Topeka, Kansas (1861) 

Lincoln, Nebraska (1867), Pierre, South Dakota (1889)

Bismark, North Dakota (1889), St. Paul, Minnesota (1858) 

Des Moines, Iowa (1846), Jefferson City, Missouri (1821)

Little Rock, Arkansas (1836), Baton Rouge, Louisiana (1812)

Jackson, Mississippi (1817), Springfield, Illinois (1818)

Madison, Wisconsin (1848), Lansing, Michigan (1837)

Columbus, Ohio (1803), Indianapolis, Indiana (1816)

Frankfort, Kentucky (1792), Nashville, Tennessee (1796) 

Montgomery, Alabama (1819), Tallahassee, Florida (1845)

Atlanta, Georgia (1788), Columbia, South Carolina (1788)

Raleigh, North Carolina (1789), Richmond, Virginia (1788)

Charleston, West Virginia (1863), Annapolis, Maryland (1788)

Dover, Delaware (1787), Trenton, New Jersey (1787)

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (1787), Albany, New York (1788)

Hartford, Connecticut (1788), Providence, Rhode Island (1790)

Boston, Massachusetts (1788), Montpelier, Vermont (1791)

Concord, New Hampshire (1788), Augusta, Maine (1820)

"You know how you can remember some things and some things you can't."

--Winston Groom (Novel), Eric Roth (Screenplay), Forrest Gump, July 6, 1994