Coronation Of Mary
In the United States, a custom developed that grew in popularity prior to the Vatican II Council (10-11-1962 thru 12-08-1965). At parishes, at Marian shrines, and at grottos, someone was chosen to place a wreath of flowers on Mary's image.This ceremony usually took place in May and often in the context of a Benediction, a special Rosary celebration, and sometimes at the closing of Mass. The practice continues in many parishes throughout the United States. Many parishes have found innovative ways to express their reverence for the dignity of Mary, the Mother of God and of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Make a big crown out of chicken wire or similar wire with holes large enough to stick flower stems through it. The crown will be flat or semi-curved.
Have every child bring whatever flowers can be found.
Explain that every flower is different and every flower is God's gift.
Explain the reason we thank Mary is she brought Jesus to us. We thank Mary and love her because she loved Jesus! She also loves us and wants to do everything possible to bring us to Jesus. When Jesus was a little boy, He probably picked His mother's flowers too--just as we do--and took them to Mary!
During the actual ceremony, have a procession that EVERYONE takes part in. During the procession decades of the rosary, interspersed with songs, can be prayed and sung.
Have three "moms" positioned behind the crown. The children (and all participants) stick in the flower stems; the moms pull from behind to make sure the flowers stay in and get spaced a bit. Line the little ones up two or three in a row in the procession.
The crown will last only a day, but it will be beautiful! The children will ALL have crowned, and it will have been a joyful time for them.
--From the Marian Library/International Marian Research Institute, Dayton, Ohio